Getting from Glacier City to Juneau requires much planning if you are on foot. You can either fly there, or my favorite, take the Alaska Marine Highway System (AKA the ferry system)
If you are taking the ferry as a walk-on you need to pack very carefully. Anything you are going to need readily accessible should be put into a seperate pack, as you won't want to carry your large pack everywhere.

Many people require a real bed and private room..... However, the ship is FULL of observation rooms and other places to relax or sleep. But if you are like me, you want the REAL adventure and sleep up on deck. There are several covered areas on deck that allow you to stay dry, but still have the benefit of the fresh sea air. While travelling in this bohemic fashion, be aware, there are thieves everywhere. The BEST way of securing your stuff is using their VERY large lockers. The down side to this is that it costs $1 each time you open it (thus the reason you pack a small pack to carry with you) While taking showers, it is VERY important to keep your belongings away from the door and as close to your direct view as possible. There has been many a time when people have lost their wallets because they didn't think about this..... Even when you ARE being very careful, hey, it can still happen to the best of us.

The trip from Whittier to Juneau takes 2 days via ferry, so you are bound to see wildlife like porpoises, whales, seals, orcas.... everything you would expect to see on the ocean in Alaska. Iwanted to get more pictures of wildlife, but all I had was my digital camera and animals rarely stop and pose within range, so they usually end up looking like specks of dust or bushes.
The first half of the trip was cloudy, and it even rained at times, but the second half was beautiful. Not clear, but partly sunny. As we arrived in Juneau, the clouds mostly parted and it became quite warm.... Especially considering I had a pack that weighed 185, and 5 other packs and cases..... wearing my leather jacket.... of course.... I was given a tour of both Juneau and its neighboring town Douglas...... Both are EXTREMELY beautiful!